Brett B. - Tutor
The Cool Scientist Your Kids Can Relate To
![Brett B. - Tutor](https://dj1hlxw0wr920.cloudfront.net/userfiles/wyzfiles/fc2ab9d2-985d-4c6b-afa3-3f40eb4ad0e4.jpg)
Personal Statement
Hey there parents and kids! My name is Brett and I am here to help you! I am currently a microbiologist at a medical device company in Durham and I love science. However, I understand that it doesn't always make sense and sometimes you just need someone to walk you through it.That's where I come in! Not only am I well versed in most science related courses I am currently enrolled in a Master's program at Johns Hopkins University, where I am learning as well. How does this benefit you? Not...
Brett B. Subjects
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